Saturday, March 28, 2009


gah... im really busy wit my fuckin skool!
n i dunno wat i should share to u about my activities again.
i havent a great miracle or sumthin like that.

mood; still HATE MATH!!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


gw udh blajar mati"an mamen -sebenernya ga blajar sm skali- *dilindes truk gandeng*

tp hasil T.O bhs inggris... mmbuat gw KESAL!

gw dapet nilai 76. WTFD!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

50 top singers in Korea

Male :

1. Kim Junsu *ayee! my husband gt!*
2.Kim Jaejoong *wuuooo!*
3. Se7en *go se7en!*
4. Kim Ryeowook *pling bgs dri suju ni?*
5. Andy lee
6. Kim Hyunjoong *ehhe... SS501!*
7. Rian
8. Lee Minwoo
9. Park Yoochun *wohee! micky!*
10. Kangta
11. Cho Kyuhyun *aduh cieee ^o^*
12. Lee Hongki *ft island mamen!*
13. Jun Jin
14. Shim Changmin *go!fighting!*
15. Kim Jongkook *uhm... :D*
16. Kim Yesung *ayeeeee!*
17. Shin Hyesung
18. Son Ho Young
19. Kang Daesung *dr big bang!*
20. Oh Junghyuk
21. Lee Seunggi
22. Kim Jonghyun *sip lahh.. dr SHINee*
23. Taeyang *uwooo~ taeyang!*
24. RYAN
25. Lee Donghae *dri suju XP*


1. Boa
2. Ivy
3. Dana
4. Jang Ri In
5. Jang Nara
6. Park Yeeun
7. Lee Hyori
8. Park jungah
9. Solbi
10. Stephanie
11. Kim Taeyeon *wuek najess*
12. Lee JungMin
13. Sunmi
14. Jessica *muntah brsama"*
15. Bae Seulgi
16. Nam Kyuri
17. Park Bom
18. Bada
19. Min Sunye
20. Seunghyun
21. Lina
22. Joo

23. SeoHyun
24. Isuk
25. Heebon

credit : + + forsujuindo

Friday, March 13, 2009

friday 13th... wat happened??

im still confused wit the meaning of : friday 13th.
really bad day for me T^T

tdi, stelah gw les privat di rumah,
trus maen komp, gw denger nyokap gw blg lwat telpon :
"hah? kau ngobrol sm seseorg kmaren, sdangkan dia udh mninggal sminggu lalu?"
gw syok abis dengerny.
mn yg ngalamin adalah om gw sndiri ! asli gw kaget psan. pd saat it jg, gw noleh ke arah nyokap gw, trus brhenti ngetik novel sesaat.

nyokap : wkt itu *crita ke gw* waktu tulang hendri *maklum batak* lg jalan ke rumah, trus ngeliat ada org yg bysnya bantu qt kalo misalny ada pesta, trus dsapa sm tulang. dia sih jwbnya bys aja. eh, dia kaget pas besokny tau kalo org yg dia ajak ngobrol it udh mninggal smnggu lalu.

*bah! asli gw kaget stngah mati. ga boonk!
gah! wtf???

scared !! omg !

wat happened ??
im so scared wit lia's story at the school.

waktu di kelas, when we're studying math,
and then she looked at the lil blackboard and saw 'nikita's absent today'
she's shocked and told me,
"swe! masa nikita gak masuk sih!"
gw : emg napa gitu?
lia : tadi kan pas di Aula, gw ngeliat nikita!
gw : hah! jgn bcanda geura woy. dritadi ga ada si nikita, li!
lia : sumpahan, swe. tdi gw nanya ke dy, 'eh, nik, lo skelompok sm amel ya?' trus dy jawab 'iya'! gitu!
gw : balek woy ! jgn gt ah! ga ada dodol !
lia : bneran swe! gw ga boong...!
gw : anjis! li... trus tdi lo ngomong sm syp atuh? ngeri pisan!
lia : ya gw gtau. tdi gw emg ngobrol sm dy!
gw : li... kalo pun iya, pst dy udh gabung sm tio dkk...!!
lia : bneran swe!

*anjis, sumpe gw ngeri bgt stelah denger critanya lia. gw kaget stengah mati asli!
dritadi di Aula, gw ga ngeliat dy! lgian kata lia, nikita ada di blakang dy, tp mana? gw ga liat sm skali !!
ada jg kumpulan p'dust sm tio dkk dsana. sm skali ga liat nikita! asli gw syok bgt taunya.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

i dont wanna be alone at home again !

ngeri banget sumpah.
tadi pas gw lg maen laptop,
trus ada suara motor brhenti di dpn rumah gw.
gw sih ga liat syp yg turun dr motor ato ngliat dr jendela,gw ttep maen laptop.
dah gitu,pas tamuny udh msk,gw lg asyik" maen laptop,
radio yg tadiny dnyalain,trus nyokap matiin sambil blg :
"dis.jgn dihidupin radionya.itu tamuny org mabok."
sumpah saat itu jg gw bngong dan kaget stngah mati.
gw yg tadiny ngetik lgsg diem ngliat nyokap gw.

ya jelas stelah dnger itu,gw jd takut lah!
mana ad org mabok di rumah gw.males bgt!

trus nyokap gw blg ke bokap,
"pa...jd arisan ga?" *gw tau,maksud dri omongn nyokp gw itu adlh,biar tamuny prgi cepet.
trus bberapa saat kmudian,nykp blg lg ke bokap,
"pa.cepet ke arisanny pa,udh dtanyain sm orgnya."
bokap gw mah 'iya iya' aja.jlas lah,gw takut stngah mati sm suara org maboknya.
ngakuny sih org batak, iya gw tau mreka *krn ada 2 org* org batak krn mreka ngmong bhs batak,
ttep aja ngeri banget lah! gila aja...!!

dah itu,pas gw lg di kamar,nyokap blg,
"dis,coba byangin yg tadi.itu 2 org mabok tdi mau meras uang papa."
gw : hah?? 2 org?
nykp : iya. ada 2 org. bau mreka tu kyak yg habis minum". jelas aja mreka mabok. tp yg 1 gak mabok" amat,yg 1 lg yg parah maboknya.
gw : ih gila ! meras brp?
nykp : gtau. pkokny mreka ngancem papa,kalo ga ngasih duit,bakalan dtulis di koran,klo papa tu udh korupsi di kantor *soalny bokap gw pjabat di kantor*

dah itu,gw kaget stngah mati.

yg plg bkin gw takut :
nykp : makany lain kali KALAU KAMU SENDIRIAN DI RUMAH,trus ada tamu dtg,jgn bukain pintu kcuali siapa org yg udh dikenal. trus gembok di pagar bakalan slalu dikunci,itu PERATURAN skrg.jgn buka kalo ga kenal.mana mreka udh tau alamat rmh qt,mreka pst bakalan ke rumah qt ato engga NYURUH org laen bwt meras papa lg ke rumah qt.mkany mama udh blg ke papa,papa cm boleh bukain pintu sm org yg udh bikin janji,jgn yg dluar janji.kalo urusan kantor ato dluar janji,mndingan lgsg aja di kantor.

stelah dnger,gw mrinding.pikiran sesaat : ANJIS. PENGEN PINDAH RUMAH.
now, im thinking... i dont wanna be alone at home again. thats my new rule!

ponari. LOL

spt yg qta tau,
ponari adalah seorg anak kecil kelas 3 SD yg 'katanya' bisa menyembuhkan penyakit orang.
dgn cara menyelupkan batu ajaibnya ke dlm minuman orang yg sakit.
lalu tadi pas istirahat pertama ....

adit : eh, gmana ya kalo misalnya ponari bukanny nyelupin batu, tp sepatu?
gw,galuh,hanna,harumi : gyahahhahhahahha~!!!

trus pas di kelas ....

gw : eh,li,gmana ya...kalo misalny si ponari nyelup airny bukan pake batu, tp pake kaos kaki?
lia : hhahaha ! gmana ntar rasanya ya?oh iya! pake kolor aja skalian.
gw : iya ya.jd kalo misalny ada org buta,trus dilap pake kolornya,lgsg sembuh.
lia : iy masih mnding. gmana kalo misalny ada yg pnyakit klamin?
gw : gyahhahahhaha !!

*skian ke-kasonk-an sy dn tman".

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


duh, im so confused rite now.
my money's maybe 500.000 now.
so, i can buy wat i wanna buy, like jacket,bag,or anythin' else.
but im remembering...
that i wanna buy sewing machine [yeah,coz i wanna be a famous fashion designer]
just save up my money until 500.000 again, n i can buy it.

so,pls help me,all of u!
wat should i buy?sewing machine,jacket,or another things?
pls answer me friends T^T
its been a long time since the last time i drew my own fashion design n never do it again.
gah~is sewing machine much better?

Monday, March 9, 2009

just enjoy your life !

im so confused and really mad if i remember that tomorrow i should wake up, 5.00 AM n go to school 5.30 AM.
and i really mad at myself. why i cant be an other person, who can get great points and didnt get repeat exams.
but this's me. i just remembered... my message : never to try to be an other person. this's who u're !

i've a new support message for u all who confused and really lazy to go school,
'dont be stupid pls. maybe u'll always bored wit the fuckin enemies at school or the fuckin lessons. JUST ENJOY YOUR LIFE. got bad points or got a lot of enemies? got grumblings from ur mom or teachers? just remember... ENJOY YOUR LIFE. thinking... wtv... talk wit my hand. i dun care anymore.'

hhhehehehe XD

Sunday, March 8, 2009

broken... again! great
my headset's broken again.
i dunno why?
maybe bcoz... did i set the highest volume? -no!i didnt!-
maybe bcoz... is my headset still on while i was sleeping? -no!BIG no!-

when i was listening to dbsk's songs,n then.. POP!n my headset's broken.
waw~how magic?did i told spell wit my mouth?
gah!after cellphone,phone,n now... headset!WTF!
that's an expensive headset -pamer-*jitak*
but why!!!
gah!i hate it~really hate it!

now my headset's a trash.i wanna throw away my headset!
T^T i wanna buy a new one.i dunno when.maybe later but today,or tomorrow,or next month, or maybe next year.
gah...stupid headset!

finally... harumi!

finally... harumi!omo~i miss her so much!
she's been absent since 2 months ago~omomomo....XO

so,next tuesday u'll play wit us again!owh!how nice!hehehhe...
and,u must got full of satisfaction from hospital's service *kick by nurses and doctors*
u're in santosa island!can u imagine it?how great~

but harumi...
u're a strong girl!
but u'll be very stress bcoz of 1000 homeworks n 500 exams -lebay-*tampaarr!*
so,dont worry,we're here for you *tinju!*
hehehhe....argh~we miss u so much!

what happened with...??

argh! wat happened wit my cellphone and my phone!
omo~i hate it!

i cant messages my friends again wit my cellphone, or laughing and talking wit my phone again.
my life's like hell. T^T
those things make me still alive.and witout it,i..*jitak*

there's a good side after my fuckin problem happened wit the cellphone,
i can save up my money and didnt get my mom's grumblings.LOL
so,bdw,im very tired and very confused rite now.

ive been playing computer since 14 hours ago -kidding-*kicks*
so,see ya~XD

super junior 3rd album

SM Entertainment has officially announced that Super Junior will release a third album on March 12. That’s almost a year and six months since Suju’s second album, “Don’t Don” (September 2007).

Despite not being “together” for almost two years Super Junior continued to be visible through their numerous subgroups. There’s Super Junior M which won the hearts of many fangirls around the China region. There’s Super Junior T who trotted their way to Japanese music charts. Super Junior H kept everyone happy with their bubbly songs. And then there’s Super Junior K (Kibum), who spent most of the year pursuing his acting career.

But now the group is back together (and for those number sensitive fans, yes there’s going to be 13 of them in this album). SM Entertainment is also promising a “bright, stylish, and trendy new image” for the boys.

Super Junior’s 3rd album will begin its promotion in Korea and continue to other countries such as Japan, China and Thailand.

The 3rd album track list has also been released :

01. Sorry Sorry
02. 니가 좋은 이유 (Why I Like You)
03. 마주치지말자 (Let’s Not)
04. 앤젤라 (Angela)
05. Reset
06. Monster
07. What If
08. 이별, 넌쉽니 (Heartquake)
09. Club No.1
10. Happy Together
11. 죽어있는것 (Dead at Heart)
12. Shining Star

*WTF??look at track 6!the title of song's MONSTER. gah, bdw... uwaw!its been a long time since the last time i watched the new MV of suju. but, on march 12, their album will be released! so happyXD

let's dance

barusan aja gw baru slesai nonton let's dance goes to japan.
gw liat sih, ada banyak banget negara" yg ikutan.
kayak jepang, korea, hongkong, singapore, indonesia, sisanya lupa....

gw nunggu" nih perform dari korea, jepang, sm indo.
yg korea udah gw liat, ih... monoton tariannya. kasonk..!
yg jepang,sumpah keren abis mpe melongo liatnya.
yg indo, tariannya sih lumayan" kalo boleh ngaku,gayanya gitu" aja *jitak*
yg hongkong,pake baju" model china gt.hahha...gokil abis!

juara pertamanya dari jepang,sisanya gw ga inget.
hahhaha...maap yeeee~XD

Saturday, March 7, 2009

yesterday's the craziest day in my life!

what a crazy thing!
yesterday, about 07.35 AM, i didn't see anybody at school except ellen.
she's waiting for a choir practice.
so, me and ellen're waiting for another friends.

and then, gebby's coming.
just gebby!!

ya sudahlah, gw, gebby, sm ellen nunggu aja diluar sambil duduk".
udah gt, slesai pertemuan ortu, udh pada banyak yg dtg!
vincent udah dtg, trus pas gw berdiri diluar gerbang skul, putri dtg deh.
gw,vincent,sm putri tinggal nungguin didi dtg. pas vincent nelp didi,didi msh ada di rumah!dan rumahny tu ada di buahbatu!WUAW!dahsyat bgt!
trus akhirny dy dtg, rencanany sih, didi mo minjemin helm bwt naek motor putri.

taunya dy ga dbolehin minjemin helm!ya trpaksa gw sm putri pergi ke rmh putri bwt ngambil helm, dripada ditilang polisi. buset!ada 1 jam gw sm putri pulang pergi trus ke rumah lia.
vincent sm didi udah nunggu sejam di rumah lia.hahahha~!
nah,akhirnya bikin tugas deh.slesai bikin tugas,gw dkk pergi ke riau junction.
dsana vincent sm didi makan.dah itu,rada hujan"an pergi ke BIP.
dsana tadinya mo nonton film,tp trnyata mulainy udh mau jam 4 smua. males bgt.
akhirny gjadi dkk beli i-Cup.slesai itu,kliling" BIP.
hbis kliling",gw dkk jalan ke Trunojoyo nyari jaketnya Lia sampe 3 jam mamen!
buset kan?

stelah nyari 3 jam dan ga nmuin jaketnya Lia, akhirnya pada pergi ke 18th park.
we did it!akhirnya!finally,she bought her jacket!omg~syukur bgt dah!
trus plg ke rumah Lia,nonton putri nyuruh vincent bwt ngisi bensin dpan sm Putri males nemenin,akhirnya si Lia nemenin vincent beli bensin.balik", si Lia ngomel" soalnya vincent make motornya kenceng bgt.
gw blg "mana ah?masa sih kenceng?coba cent!kalo sama gw.."
akhirnya pas gw sm vincent naek motor bntar,emg bener.KEN-CENG!!!gw mpe bilang ke vincent, "jay...awas becak,jay!"

balik" udh kelepek".akhirnya si putri nganterin jaya dulu sampe STAMP, trus nganterin gw pulang ke rumah *thx put!u're the best friend deh!*
sampe rumah,gw liatin motor Mio item nganggur di rumah gw.
gw blg dalem hati "ntar gw jg mo blajar naek motor ah.hahhaha..."